Some of our work

Some of our work

Elaine Mandrona

I’m an artist, writer and food activist.

Archie Nadon

I’m a writer, photographer and aspiring woodworker.

Some of our work

The Scrape Magazine

This is our latest project, The Scrape Magazine. It’s about supporting artists, artisans and makers in Cape Breton-Unama’ki. 

Beach Roads Acadie

Our base was our cottage in Cocagne and from there we relentlessly explored the Acadian coast for nearly 18 years. In 2009 we began to publish photographs and articles about our travels and what those great little nooks and crannies meant to us.

Moncton Beats Magazine

We quickly zeroed in on the food movement in Southeast New Brunswick and met some of the smartest and most generous people. Food is such a critical topic.

The Food Skills Video Project

The Food Skills project was great for exploring some of the food production skills we had in Southeast New Brunswick.

Elaine’s Garden Projects

Elaine had a number of garden projects funded by government agencies.

Elaine’s Garden Art Video Project

Gardening and art make a great combination, especially when working with kids. Here are 11 detailed lesson plans with accompanying videos. The lesson plans are in the description of the videos.

The Nutritious Food in the Schools Video

We were asked by Our Food Southeast New Brunswick to highlight what schools were doing about food for their kids. We discovered so many projects and so much enthusiasm it was hard to get them all into one video.

Featured Community Food Mentors Project

We made a series of videos highlighting Community Food Mentors for Food For all New Brunswick. We are both Community Food Mentors and wanted to show what kind of work these important members of the food movement were doing in New Brunswick.